
Thank you for stopping by our little portion of the universe. We’re glad you’re here!

Heart and Soil Stead is a family ‘stead – not quite a homestead but not quite a farmstead – we’re somewhere in-between!

Everything we do is built around very simple concepts – “use local inputs wherever possible” and “regenerate full-circle”.

Use local inputs wherever possible.

Keeping things local is pretty self-explanatory. Rampant and virtually unchecked globalism has allowed the proliferation of not only low-quality ingredients but, in my opinion, something far worse – something masquerading as being healthy. By keeping the inputs limited to New England-based producers – by keeping things local – we’re able to confirm quality and name who supplied what in everything we create.

Regenerate: full-circle.

We use different parts from multiple growing philosophies to create the most healthy, diverse, and holistic ecosystems we can: JADAM, permaculture, silvoculture, and plant guilds, to name a few. For you, the customer, this translates to healthier, more robust plants and seedlings that help inoculate your own soil with each planting!

As much as obsessively possible, everything we make and sell here will use Maine-made ingredients!

“By Maine, With Maine, For Maine”

To check out our store consisting of handmade teas, tinctures, fertilizers, and amendments please click here.